How much does it cost to have an app translated from English into another language?

Have you ever dreamt of navigating a bustling foreign market, ordering food with ease, or simply understanding a loved one’s story in their native tongue? Apps for translating languages close the communication gap and make the world smaller and more connected. However, have you ever considered the price of app development for language translation? Waving a magic wand is not enough to create a language translation app!

The size of the language translation market is projected to hit 104.31 billion by 2029 globally, up from 76.78 billion in 2024. It is anticipated to increase at a CAGR of 6.32% from 2024 to 2029. It is abundantly clear that there will be a double demand for language translation in the future.

Due to this, various businesses are looking to invest in language translation app development. If you are also one of those and want to know the cost to make a language translation app, then you must read this blog till the end.

What Is a Language Translation App?

A language translation application is a mobile application that empowers clients to decipher text or discourse starting with one language then onto the next. These applications utilize technologies like NLP, and AI to read or listen to text or speech and translate it correctly. Users may put language translation apps on their phone, laptop, computer, or use a web browser to get to them online.

How Much Does Language Translation App Development Cost?

You must be wondering, "How much does app development for language translation cost?" at this point. To give you a rough idea, developing language translator apps can cost anywhere from $10,000 to $30,000. Due to project complexity and essential factors, the cost can vary.

However, it is essential to be aware that a number of factors can affect how much it costs to develop a language translation app like Duolingo. For example, app complexity, features, AI-powered functionalities, app  design and so on. Here is the table that demonstrates the cost on the basis of app complexity.

Factors Affecting the Language Translation App Development Cost 

Knowing the factors is also essential now that you are well-versed in the language translation app development cost. Thus, we should view the variables influencing the cost to build a mobile application for language translation.

App Complexity

Developing a language learning application for numerous stages can expand the application intricacy. It could cost a lot more to make sure that the app works well on other operating systems. For example, if you build an app like HelloTalk with minimal functionality, then the language translation app development can be between $8000–$14000. For a complex app with highly advanced features, it can cost more than $25,000.

Features & Functionalities

The cost of developing a language translation app is greatly influenced by its complexity and variety of features. A basic translation app like Babbel’s features might be less expensive compared to advanced features like offline translation, voice recognition, text-to-speech, multi-language support.

Platform Type     

You will need to modify your development methodology and resources when creating a language translation app for multiple platforms. The general language learning application improvement cost might differ on the particular advancements and alterations required for every stage. Creating a native app or taking into account cross-platform development may also have varying effects on cost.

UI/UX Design

The visually appealing user interface plays a crucial role in determining the language learning app development cost. For instance, a Cake-like app's straightforward user interface may necessitate more time and effort on the part of developers and designers, leading to increasing costs.

Maintenance & Update 

Updating the app with the cutting-edge technologies and making sure it works properly requires regular maintenance. The app for translate language lifetime costs should include continued assistance, bug changes, feature additions. A future increase in costs may result from neglecting to provide funds for upkeep and improvements.

How much does it cost to keep an app for translating languages running? 

Now that you know how much it costs to build language translator apps, it is  essential to know the costs to maintain mobile apps. So, a language translation app maintenance cost can typically be around 15-20% of total development cost. For example, if your language translator app development is $10,000 then your maintenance charges between $2,000-$4,000 annually.

However, there are a number of factors that influence the costs of maintaining a language translation app. First, there is the cost of keeping the servers and infrastructure running smoothly. In addition, maintaining the app's database of languages continuously incurs costs. You also need a team of experts to fix bugs, and add new features.

How to Create a voice translation app: Features & Cost

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